Summary of enforcement outcomes: July to December 2024

This page provides an overview on ASIC’s enforcement actions in a particular six-monthly period. The data below reflects the period 1 July to 31 December 2024.


Summary of enforcement outcomes

Figure 1: Summary of enforcement outcomes (1 July to 31 December 2024)

Criminal prosecutions

Gavel icon

CDPP criminal prosecutions:

13 individuals charged by the CDPP in criminal proceedings

70 criminal charges laid by the CDPP

Imprisonment icon

CDPP criminal prosecutions:

11 custodial sentences, including fully suspended sentences (5 people imprisoned)

2 non-custodial sentences

Hand on book icon

Internal summary prosecutions:

139 individuals charged with strict liability offences in summary prosecutions

274 criminal charges laid in summary prosecutions for strict liability offences

Civil prosecutions

Compensation icon

$46.6m in civil penalties imposed by the courts

Investigation icon

15 civil proceedings commenced


Stop sign with hand icon

44 individuals removed or restricted from providing financial services or credit

11 individuals disqualified or removed from directing companies

Infringement notices and court enforceable undertakings

Envelope with warning letter icon

3 infringement notices issued

$5.3m in infringement notice penalties issued

2 court enforceable undertaking accepted


Investigation icon

109 investigations commenced

195 investigations ongoing

Note: Figure 1 summarises all enforcement outcomes recorded between 1 July and 31 December 2024, including those that have not been reported in public announcements. For example, outcomes arising from summary prosecutions for strict liability offences are not generally announced in ASIC media releases.

Financial services enforcement outcomes

Table 1: Financial services enforcement outcomes (number of respondents by misconduct and remedy type)

Misconduct type Criminal Civil Administrative Total
Credit misconduct - 2 25 27
Financial advice misconduct 2 - 10 12
Insurance misconduct - - - -
Investment management misconduct 4 4 6 14
Superannuation misconduct - 2 - 2
Other financial services misconduct - 10 6 16
Total 6 18 47 71

Table 2: Financial services enforcement litigation in progress (number of matters as at 6 January 2025)

Misconduct type Criminal Civil Total
Credit misconduct 5 16 21
Financial advice misconduct 6 7 13
Insurance misconduct 2 4 6
Investment management misconduct 8 2 10
Superannuation misconduct 5 4 9
Other financial services misconduct 2 3 5
Total 28 36 64

Markets enforcement outcomes

Table 3: Markets enforcement outcomes (number of respondents by misconduct and remedy type)

Misconduct type Criminal Civil Administrative Total
Continuous disclosure - - - -
Insider trading 1 - - 1
Market manipulation - - 1 1
Other market misconduct 2 2 6 9
Total 3 2 7 11

Table 4: Markets enforcement litigation in progress (number of matters as at 6 January 2025)

Misconduct type Criminal Civil Total
Continuous disclosure - 4 4
Emerging misconduct (cyber, crypto) 1 2 3
Insider trading 6 - 6
Market manipulation 5 1 6
Other market misconduct 2 3 5
Total 14 10 24

Corporate governance enforcement outcomes

Table 5: Corporate governance enforcement outcomes (number of respondents by misconduct and remedy type)

Misconduct type Criminal Civil Administrative Total
Auditor misconduct 1 - 21 22
Liquidator misconduct - - - -
Directors' duties and governance failures 4 1 10 15
Other corporate governance misconduct 2 2 2 6
Total 7 3 33 43

Table 6: Corporate governance enforcement litigation in progress (number of matters as at 6 January 2025)

Misconduct type Criminal Civil Total
Auditor misconduct 2 1 3
Directors' duties and governance failures 17 6 23
Illegal Phoenix 2 - 2
Other corporate governance misconduct 9 3 12
Total 30 10 40

Small business enforcement outcomes

Table 7: Small business enforcement outcomes (number of respondents by misconduct and remedy type)

Misconduct type Criminal Administrative Total
Action against persons or companies 140 11 151
Total 140 11 151

Table 8: Small business criminal prosecutions in progress (number of matters by misconduct and remedy type) (number of matters as at 6 January 2025)

Misconduct type Criminal Total
Action against persons or companies 98 98
Total 98 98
Last updated: 27/02/2025 09:29