Payments, fees and invoices
Here you can find information about the fees we charge, what your invoice looks like, and how you can pay us.
We also explain how and when we charge late fees, how to request a fee waiver, and what to do if your payment isn't showing on your account.
For more information about paying your company's annual review, visit annual statements.
ASIC fees
We collect a range of fees from companies and other entities under Commonwealth law. This includes company registration fees, annual review fees and renewal fees.
We also charge fees for some of our search products. See Search fees for more information.
ASIC invoices
When your company annual statement is due, we'll send you an invoice outlining what you owe. Learn how to understand your invoice and what to do if you need to request a reprint.
Checking your account balance
If you've registered for online access, you can check your account balance online. You can also ask us for your current balance.
Missing payments
If you've made a payment and it isn't showing on your account, it could be for a number of reasons.
If you need to request a refund, there are options available. Find out how you can request a refund and what information you need to provide.
Payment options
We have different payment options available, including BPAY, credit card, Post Billpay, and cheque. Learn how you can pay and search for an organisation's BPAY and Post Billpay details.
Fee waivers
In some cases, we can waive late fees that have been applied due to late lodgement. Learn when we might waive a late fee and what information you need to provide to ASIC.
Late fees
Most changes (e.g change of address) need to be lodged with us in a set timeframe. If you lodge after this time, we may charge a late lodgement fee. A document is only considered lodged when we have received and accepted it.
ASIC industry funding
The Government’s industry funding arrangements allow us to recover most of our regulatory costs from the industries we regulate.
These costs are recovered through levies invoiced once in the calendar year.
For detailed information about industry funding invoices, including how to pay, when to pay and how levies are calculated, see Industry funding invoices.