Reviewing, printing, saving and converting transactions to PDF

All liquidator forms/transactions in the Regulatory Portal have a Review page.

From there, you can either print or save your transaction to PDF (depending on your web browser and installed PDF software).

Finding the Review page

Once you have entered draft information and navigated through the form, a ‘review’ page will appear (also indicated in the left-hand navigation), towards the end of the transaction.

This page will summarise all the information you have entered so far in the transaction for review.

Review page identified on the navigation bar:

Select 'Review' in the left-hand navigation bar

Example of Review page

Review the information you have entered in the transaction

Reviewing and Saving

This stage allows you to review or ‘approve’ forms before submitting to ASIC.

This can be done two ways.

  1. Online

If the form has been completed by an employee, the registered liquidator can:

    1. log in to the Regulatory Portal
    2. search for the relevant reference number that was generated when commencing the transaction
    3. click through all screens to the ‘Review’ section
    4. review the draft transaction online.
  1. Offline

You can also print the Review page for the registered liquidator to view offline.

To do this:

    1. Click through to the ‘Review’ section of the form
    2. Go to the ‘File’ option in your web browser menu and select ‘Print’
      1. If you do not see a “File” option, use the equivalent menu for your browser, or press Ctrl+P (Command+P on Mac)
    3. You will then have the option to print the document to paper, or depending on your web browser and PDF software, you may save a PDF copy for the registered liquidator to review (see step 4)

Print the 'Review' page using your web browser

  1. Once you select print you may also have the option of PDF software (such as ‘Adobe PDF’) – select this as your printing option.

Print dialogue box in Internet Explorer 11, showing options to print to PDF

Printing to 'Adobe PDF' in Internet Explorer 11

Print to PDF dialogue box in Google Chrome

Print to PDF dialogue box in Google Chrome

  1. The document will be saved, and formatted as below:

Example PDF from the 'Review' page

The transaction will remain in ‘draft’, so amendments or corrections can be made (and steps 1-4 repeated) before submitting to ASIC.

Last updated: 23/01/2025 02:00