Regulatory tracker 2024
The tracker lists and includes links to all new and updated regulatory guides, information sheets, reports, consultation papers, legislative instruments and other documents that have regulatory effect (e.g. ASIC's corporate plans and annual reports), were issued by ASIC, and published on our website in 2024.
Items in this weekly tracker are listed in reverse chronological order and can be refined using the filter options below.
Release date | Date comment | Title | Description | Media release and related documents | AGLS Type | AGLS Subject |
23/12/2024 | Â |
INFO 291 FAQs: FSGs and website disclosure information (updated) |
Two legislative citations updated to align with Corporations Regulations notional subsection referencing. |
 | INFO | FS |
17/12/2024 | Â |
INFO 42 Insolvency for directors (reissued) |
Reissued to reflect recently reissued guidance in Regulatory Guide 217 Duty to prevent insolvent trading: Guide for directors (RG 217). |
ASIC updates guidance to help directors prevent insolvent trading (news item 6/12/2024) | INFO | INSOLV |
16/12/2024 | Â |
ASIC industry funding: Annual dashboard and summary of variances |
Annual dashboard outlining regulatory costs by sector and subsector for 2023-24 under the ASIC industry funding model (IFM) and the variances between ASIC's estimated and actual costs for subsectors. |
ASIC industry funding: 2023-24 dashboard of regulatory costs and summary of variances have been released (news item) | OTH | DEAL |
10/12/2024 | Â |
RG 133 Funds management and custodial services: Holding assets (reissued) |
Reissued to provide the latest guidance to asset-holding Australian financial services (AFS) licensees including:
ASIC reissues Regulatory Guide 133 on funds management and custodial services (news item) | RG | MIS,FS |
10/12/2024 | Â |
CS 12 Proposed remake of ASIC Class Order [CO 14/1262] Relief for 31-day notice term deposits |
Proposes remaking Class Order [CO 14/1262] Relief for 31-day notice term deposits with a minor amendment to the current settings around pre- and post-maturity notices. |
ASIC proposes to remake relief instrument for 31-day notice term deposits (news item) | CP | FS |
9/12/2024 | Â |
RG 1 AFS Licensing Kit: Part 1 – Applying for and varying an AFS licence (updated) |
Updated to reflect the transition to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART). |
6/12/2024 | Â |
RG 217 Duty to prevent insolvent trading: Guide for directors (reissued) REP 803 Response to submissions on CP 372 Guidance on insolvent trading and safe harbour provisions |
Provides updated guidance for directors and their professional advisers on the duty to prevent insolvent trading and new guidance on the safe harbour provisions. Provides further detail about ASIC’s responses to the submissions received during the consultation process.  |
ASIC updates guidance to help directors prevent insolvent trading (news item) INFO 42 Insolvency for directors (reissued 17/12/2024) |
5/12/2024 | Â |
REP 802 Cause for complaint: Complaints handling in general insurance |
Outlines the key findings from ASIC’s review of how 11 general insurers are complying with select enforceable obligations in Regulatory Guide 271 Internal dispute resolution. |
24-268MR ASIC puts insurers on notice for blind spots in complaints handling | REP | FS |
4/12/2024 | Â |
CP 381 Updates to INFO 225: Digital assets: Financial products and services |
Seeks feedback on proposed updates to INFO 225 Crypto Assets, including adding 13 practical examples of how the current financial product definitions apply to digital assets and related products. Submissions close 28 February 2025. |
24-266MR ASIC invites feedback on proposed updates to digital asset guidance | CP | FS,DEAL,TECH |
3/12/2024 | Â |
ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Determination 2024/912 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Repeal Instrument 2024/913 |
Maintains ASIC's policy of determining the allocation of Equity Market Products to tiers. Replaces ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Determination 2024/723 (repealed 8 January 2025). |
 | DET,LI | FM |
3/12/2024 | Â |
REP 801 Insights from internal dispute resolution data reporting: July 2023 to June 2024 |
First publication of industry-wide data reported under the internal dispute resolution (IDR) data reporting framework. Â |
24-264MR ASIC flags key observations from inaugural IDR data publication | REP | FS,CREDIT,MIS,DEAL |
2/12/2024 | Â |
RG 248 Litigation schemes and proof of debt schemes: Managing conflicts of interest (reissued) |
Minor updates to terminology and references to the obligation that applies to a provider of financial services for litigation funding schemes to have adequate practices to ensure that a lawyer (or their immediate family) does not have or obtain a material financial interest in the provider. |
 | RG | FS |
28/11/2024 | Â |
INFO 156 Regulated emissions units: Applying for or varying an AFS licence (reissued) |
Reflects updates made in RG 236 following the Safeguard Mechanism reforms. Updates include information about authorisations on an AFS licence for the provision of financial services in relation to regulated emissions units and additional guidance to assist in the preparation of an application for an AFS licence or a variation to an AFS licence. |
ASIC updates guidance for participants in the carbon market following Safeguard Mechanism reforms (news item) | INFO | FS |
27/11/2024 | Â |
Outlines observations on registration and notification lodgements made since the Financial Accountability Regime (FAR) commenced for the banking industry. |
ASIC and APRA release observations from the banking industry’s implementation of the Financial Accountability Regime (news item) | OTH | FS | |
27/11/2024 | Â |
INFO 93 Practical guidance for operators of foreign collective investment schemes (reissued) |
Minor updates to practical requirements for foreign collective investment scheme operators when applying for relief. |
 | INFO | FS,MIS |
27/11/2024 | Â |
RG 192 Licensing: Wholesale equity schemes (reissued) |
Minor updates including updated references to legislative instruments that are relevant to the licensing of trustees/managers of wholesale equity schemes. |
 | RG | FS |
27/11/2024 | Â |
RG 178 Foreign collective investment schemes (reissued) |
Minor updates to relief instruments and mutual recognition arrangements relevant to foreign collective investment schemes. |
 | RG | FS,MIS |
25/11/2024 | Â |
RG 172 Financial markets: Domestic and overseas operators (updated) RG 211 Clearing and settlement facilities: Australian and overseas operators (updated) RG 249 Derivative trade repositories (updated) RG 268 Licensing regime for financial benchmark administrators (updated) |
Updated to include a new note to advise stakeholders that the guides do not reflect amendments to the Corporations Act introduced by the Treasury Laws Amendments (Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures) Act 2024, which received the Royal Assent on 17 September 2024. The guides will be reviewed and updated in due course: see FMI reform implementation. |
 | RG | FM |
22/11/2024 | Â |
Extends the relief that allows insurers and their representatives to give emergency payments to consumers, in certain circumstances, without first giving them a Cash Settlement Fact Sheet (CSFS). Amended: ASIC Corporations (Cash Settlement Fact Sheet) Instrument 2022/59 |
ASIC extends arrangements to streamline insurance payments in emergency situations (news item) |
LI | FS | |
21/11/2024 | Â |
RG 126 Compensation and insurance arrangements for AFS licensees (reissued) RG 138 Foreign passport funds (reissued) RG 175 AFS Licensing: AFS Financial product advisers–Conduct and disclosure (reissued) RG 246 Conflicted and other banned remuneration (reissued) INFO 141 Dealing and providing custodial or depository service as secondary service (reissued) INFO 228 Limited AFS licensees: Advice conduct and disclosure obligations (reissued) INFO 266 FAQs: Records of Advice (ROAs) (reissued) INFO 267 Tips for giving limited advice (reissued) INFO 274 Tips for giving self-managed superannuation fund advice (reissued) INFO 291 FAQs: FSGs and website disclosure information (new) INFO 292 FAQs: Informed consents for insurance commissions (new) |
New and updated regulatory guidance in response to reforms under the Treasury Laws Amendments (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes and Other Measures) Act 2024 (DBFO Act). |
ASIC releases new and updated guidance in response to the DBFO Act (news item) INFO 286 FAQs: Ongoing fee arrangements and consents (new 4/10/2024) INFO 287 FAQs: Non-ongoing fee requests or consents (new 4/10/2024) |
20/11/2024 | Â |
Urges CEOs of superannuation trustees to assess their death benefit claims handling practices and address any identified deficiencies. |
ASIC writes to superannuation trustees to drive improvement to death benefit claims handling (news item) | OTH | SUPER | |
12/11/2024 | Â |
INFO 230 Exchange traded products: Admission guidelines (updated) |
Minor updates to clarify guidance on product labels and naming considerations for exchange traded products, including clarifying the rationale behind the labels and guidance in relation to the ‘Complex’ label. |
 | INFO | FM,FS |
8/11/2024 | Â |
ASIC (Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy—Regulatory Costs) Instrument 2024/821 ASIC (Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy—Annual Determination) Instrument 2024/822 |
under ASIC's industry funding model for the 2023–24 financial year. |
 | LI | DEAL |
8/11/2024 | Â |
ASIC Superannuation (Notice of disqualification—Ryan McGrath) Instrument 2024/836 |
SMSF auditor disqualification notice under section 130F(2) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
7/11/2024 | Â |
Seeks stakeholder feedback on a draft regulatory guide covering the sustainability reporting regime commencing on 1 January 2025. This includes whether any ASIC legislative instruments that grant relief in relation to financial reporting or audit requirements should be extended to sustainability reporting and any other areas where ASIC should support the introduction of the sustainability reporting regime. Submissions close 19 December 2024. |
24-247MR ASIC seeks feedback on proposed guidance on sustainability reporting regime |
31/10/2024 | Â |
REP 800 Insights from the reportable situations regime: July 2023 to June 2024 |
ASIC’s third publication of the information we have received under the reportable situations regime. It provides high-level insights into the trends observed in reports lodged by licensees under the regime between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.  |
ASIC releases third publication on insights from the reportable situations regime (news item) |
30/10/2024 | Â |
REP 799 ASIC’s oversight of financial reporting and audit 2023–24 |
Summarises findings from our financial reporting and audit surveillances and other complementary work for the period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. It highlights areas where the quality of financial reporting and audits can be improved. |
29/10/2024 | Â |
REP 798 Beware the gap: Governance arrangements in the face of AI innovation |
Outlines the key findings from an ASIC review into how 23 AFS licensees and credit licensees are using and planning to use artificial intelligence, how they are identifying and mitigating associated consumer risks, and their governance arrangements. |
24-238MR ASIC warns governance gap could emerge in first report on AI adoption by licensees | REP | FS,CREDIT,TECH |
24/10/2024 | Â |
RG 26 Resignation, removal and replacement of auditors (reissued) INFO 62 Removal of an auditor of a company (reissued) INFO 65 Resignation of an auditor of a public company (reissued) INFO 136 Complying with your trust account obligations as a credit licensee (reissued) INFO 288 Resignation and removal of auditors of registrable superannuation entities (new) INFO 289 Resignation and removal of auditors of retail CCIV financial reports and compliance plans (new) INFO 290 Resignation and removal of auditors of Australian financial services (new) |
Updates to RG 26 reflect expanded obligations applying in relation to registrable superannuation entities (RSEs) and retail corporate collective investment vehicles (retail CCIVs). Updates have been provided in relevant information sheets for companies, registered schemes and credit licensee (INFO 62, 64, 65 and 136), and new information sheets have been released for RSEs, retail CCIVs and AFS licensees (INFO 288, 289 and 290). |
ASIC updates guidance for auditors following extension to financial reporting and audit obligations (news item) | RG,INFO | AUDIT,SUPER,MIS,COMP,CREDIT,FS |
24/10/2024 | Â |
Amends ASIC Corporations (Financial Services Guides) Instrument 2015/541 to provide that a providing entity can make available website disclosure information instead of giving a Financial Services Guide (FSG) to a client if the financial service is dealing in a financial product for the purposes of implementing financial product advice that the providing entity provided to the client. Â |
 | LI | FS | |
23/10/2024 | Â |
Highlights a range of key regulatory and enforcement outcomes in 2023–24 focused on protecting consumers, reducing costs for businesses, and strengthening capabilities. |
24-232MR ASIC annual report underscores transformation | OTH | FS,FM,FR | |
21/10/2024 | Â |
Proposes updating Regulatory Guide 51 Applications for relief (RG 51) and Regulatory Guide 108 No-action letters (RG 108) to ensure the currency of our guidance. Submissions close 18 November 2024. |
ASIC proposes updates to RG 51 Applications for relief and RG 108 No-action letters (News item) ASIC updates guidance for applicants applying for ASIC relief or no-action letters (news item) |
CP | DEAL | |
21/10/2024 | Â |
RG 251 Derivative transaction reporting (reissued) |
Reissued to reflect the commencement of the ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2024 on 21 October 2024. |
Changes to OTC derivative transaction reporting are now in effect (News item) | RG | FM |
21/10/2024 | Â |
RG 277 Consumer remediation (updated) |
Minor updates including updates of the name of a sunset class order to its new legislative instrument title. |
 | RG | FC |
21/10/2024 | Â |
ASIC Superannuation (Notice of disqualification—Joseph Badawy) Instrument 2024/823 |
SMSF auditor disqualification notice under section 130F(2) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
16/10/2024 | Â |
ASIC Superannuation (Notice of disqualification—Gareth Evans) Instrument 2024/678 |
SMSF auditor disqualification notice under section 130F(2) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
16/10/2024 | Â |
INFO 152 Public comment on ASIC's regulatory activities (updated) |
Updated to reflect the transition to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART). |
 | INFO | DEAL |
14/10/2024 | Â |
Updates references in the following rulebooks to reflect the transition to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART): |
 | LI,RL | FM | |
14/10/2024 | Â |
INFO 9 ASIC decisions: Your rights (updated) INFO 248 Enhanced regulatory sandbox (updated) INFO 250 Giving AFS and credit licensees information about their representatives (updated) INFO 270 Warnings and reprimands (updated) |
Updated to reflect the transition to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART). |
11/10/2024 | Â |
REP 797 Licensing and professional registration activities: 2024 update |
Provides the latest information on registration and licence applications from the 2023-24 financial year and key changes to licensing processes, to help current and prospective Australian financial services (AFS) and credit licensees understand the licensing regime. |
ASIC issues 2023-24 update on licensing and professional registration activities (news item) | REP | FS,CREDIT |
8/10/2024 | Â |
Amends ASIC Corporations (Externally-Administered Bodies) Instrument 2015/251 and ASIC Corporations (Group Purchasing Bodies) Instrument 2018/751 to reflect the transition to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART). |
4/10/2024 | Â |
Provides new guidance for financial advisers who will need to, on or after 10 January 2025, get:
4/10/2024 | Â |
INFO 256 FAQs: Ongoing fee arrangements (reissued) INFO 280 FAQs: Non-ongoing fee consents (reissued) |
Minor changes to specify INFO 256 and INFO 280 will continue to provide guidance for financial advisers who need to get a client’s written consent before 10 January 2025. |
3/10/2024 | Â |
REP 796 Response to submissions on CP 376—Updates to RG 258 and supporting documents and templates |
Updated RG 258 reflects reforms to the corporate insolvency legislative framework in 2021, ASIC’s experience in administering the regime, various Administrative Appeals Tribunal decisions and industry feedback. REP 796 highlights the key issues raised during the consultation and details ASIC’s responses to those issues. |
ASIC publishes updated regulatory guidance for registered liquidators (news item) ASIC consults on registered liquidator registration guidance (news item) Guide to personal and resource capacities (PDF 335 KB) Senior level employment history form (Word 113 KB) |
30/9/2024 | Â |
RG 236 Do I need an AFS licence to participate in carbon markets? (reissued) |
Updated regulatory guidance for carbon market participants to:
ASIC updates guidance for participants in the carbon market following Safeguard Mechanism reforms (news item) | RG | FS,MIS,FM,COMP |
26/9/2024 | Â |
Two-year extension of ASIC's consultation agreement with the Financial Markets Standards Board (FMSB) to 25 September 2026. |
ASIC extends Consultation Agreement with Financial Markets Standards Board (news item) | OTH | FM | |
25/9/2024 | Â |
Amends ASIC Corporations (Employee redundancy funds relief) Instrument 2015/1150 to:
ASIC extends relief for employee redundancy funds (news item) |
LI | MIS,FS | |
24/9/2024 | Â |
ASIC Corporations and Credit (Repeal) Instrument 2024/507 ASIC Corporations and Credit (Breach Reporting—Reportable Situations) Instrument 2024/620 |
Extend requirements and relief provided under ASIC Corporations and Credit (Breach Reporting—Reportable Situations) Instrument 2021/716, ASIC Credit (Breach Reporting—Prescribed Commonwealth Legislation) Instrument 2021/801, and Class Order [CO 14/923] Record-keeping obligations for Australian financial services licensees when giving personal advice. |
ASIC extends reportable situations relief and personal advice record keeping requirements (news item) |
LI | FS |
20/9/2024 | Â |
RG 121 Doing financial services business in Australia (reissued) |
Technical updates to ensure currency and provide clarity, including amending descriptions of Australian financial services licensing exemptions and relief, and updating the description of the Courts’ interpretation of ‘carrying on a business in Australia'. |
ASIC reissues Regulatory Guide 121 on doing financial services business in Australia (news item) | RG | FS |
19/9/2024 | Â |
ASIC Superannuation (Notice of Disqualification—Vjekoslav Fak) Instrument 2024/756 |
SMSF auditor disqualification notice under section 130F(2) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
17/9/2024 | Â |
Letter to market participants regarding technological and operational resilience (PDF 276 KB) |
Outlines technological and operational resilience guidance for financial market participants, clarifying how to identify critical business services and notification of a major event. |
ASIC expands operational resilience guidance for market participants (news item) | OTH | FM |
13/9/2024 | Â |
Amends ASIC Corporations (Superannuation Calculators and Retirement Estimates) Instrument 2022/603 to ensure the default rate of inflation used to calculate present values reflects the current long-term forecast of nominal wage inflation. |
ASIC updates superannuation forecasts relief instrument (news item) | LI | SUPER | |
10/9/2024 | Â |
REP 795 Design and distribution obligations: Compliance with the reasonable steps obligation RG 274 Product design and distribution obligations (reissued) |
Sets out the findings of ASIC's surveillance of 19 issuers of high-risk investment, insurance and credit products between October 2023 and August 2024. RG 274 has been reissued to reflect the findings in REP 795. |
24-200MR ASIC calls on product issuers to review distribution practices for DDO compliance Attachment to RG 274: Summary of changes—September 2024 (PDF 274 KB) |
10/9/2024 | Â |
ASIC Prescribed Trade Repositories Determination (Repeals) Instrument 2024/606 |
 | NI | FM |
9/9/2024 | Â |
REP 794 ASIC enforcement and regulatory update: January to June 2024 |
Provides an overview of ASIC’s work and key matters between 1 January and 30 June 2024. |
24-199MR ASIC to target misconduct in banking and superannuation sectors | REP | FS,FM,COMP,CREDIT,MIS |
9/9/2024 | Â |
ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Nexus Derivatives Repeal) Instrument 2024/602 ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Nexus Derivatives) Instrument 2024/603 |
Replaces ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Nexus Derivatives) Class Exemption 2015 which was due to sunset on 1 April 2025 to effectively continue its provisions until the Nexus Test under the ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2024 commences. |
 | LI | FM |
6/9/2024 | Â |
ASIC Corporations (Repeal) Instrument 2024/604 ASIC Regulated Foreign Markets Determination (Amendment) Instrument 2024/605 |
Repeals instruments whose purposes are no longer consistent with, or supported by, the ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2024 from 21 October 2024. Amended: ASIC Regulated Foreign Markets Determination 2023/346Â Repealed: ASIC Corporations (Derivative Transaction Reporting Exemption) Instrument 2015/844 |
 | DET | FM |
5/9/2024 | Â |
RG 16 External administrators and controllers: Reporting of possible offences and misconduct (reissued - new title) |
Updated regulatory guidance for external administrators and controllers when reporting and lodging statutory reports about alleged misconduct. REP 793 highlights the key issues that arose out of the submissions received on Consultation Paper 377 Guidance for reporting by external administrators and controllers: Updates to RG 16 (CP 377) and details our responses to those issues. |
ASIC updates misconduct reporting guidance for external administrators and controllers (news item) | RG,REP | INSOLV |
4/9/2024 | Â |
ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Determination 2024/723 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Repeal Instrument 2024/724 |
Maintains ASIC's policy of determining the allocation of Equity Market Products to tiers. Replaces ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Determination 2024/459 (repealed 4 October 2024). |
 | DET,LI | FM |
30/8/2024 | Â |
Amends section 1232R of the Corporations Act to confirm that, consistent with the obligation on a responsible entity, a corporate director of a retail CCIV must lodge a notice in the approved form (Form 5230) with ASIC within 14 days of appointing an auditor of a retail CCIV. |
 | LI | MIS | |
30/8/2024 | Â |
SMSF auditor disqualification variation under section 130F(6) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
ASIC Superannuation (Notice of disqualification—Kylie Ai Wui Wee) Instrument 2024/470 | NI | AUDIT,SUPER | |
23/8/2024 | Â |
REP 791 ASIC’s interventions on greenwashing misconduct: 2023–2024 |
Outlines ASIC’s regulatory interventions made between 1 April 2023 and 30 June 2024 in relation to concerns about greenwashing claims and summarises the high-level findings, key recommendations and good practice examples identified from ASIC’s greenwashing surveillance activities during the financial year 2023–2024. |
24-185MR ASIC continues action on misleading claims to deter greenwashing misconduct | REP | FS,FUND,SUPER |
22/8/2024 | Â |
Outlines ASIC's strategic priorities for the next four years and our plan of action for the year ahead. |
24-184MR ASIC expands strategic priorities for coming 12 months | OTH | FS,FM,COMP,CREDIT,MIS,DEAL | |
22/8/2024 | Â |
ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting and Clearing) Amendment Instrument 2024/416 |
Instrument 2024/416 amends:
REP 792 highlights the key issues that arose out of the submissions received on Consultation Paper 375 Proposed changes to the ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting): Third consultation (CP 375) and details our responses to those issues. |
 | LI,REP | FM |
21/8/2024 | Â |
ASIC’s Financial Services Industry Workshop – 19 June 2024 | Summary Document |
Summary document of a virtual workshop highlighting a range of approaches for providing accessible and effective engagement channels through in-person services in remote First Nations communities under ASIC's Indigenous Financial Services Framework. |
ASIC releases workshop summary document on servicing First Nations communities with a focus on culture, community and engagement (news item) | OTH | FS,FC |
21/8/2024 | Â |
ASIC Corporations (Repeal) Instrument 2024/556 ASIC Corporations (DDRS Class Exemption) Instrument 2024/557 |
Repeals and replaces ASIC Instrument [14/0911] which was due to sunset on 1 October 2024 in substantively like manner and subject to like conditions. |
 | LI | FM |
20/8/2024 | Â |
REP 790 Anti-scam practices of banks outside the four major banks |
Provides an analysis of our review of the current scam related activities of 15 of Australia’s authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs), referred to as ‘reviewed banks’ for the purposes of this report. |
24-182MR Anti-scam practices of banks outside the four major banks | REP | FS,FC |
19/8/2024 | Â |
INFO 257 ASIC reference checking and information sharing protocol (reissued) |
Updated reference checking and information sharing protocol for financial advisers and mortgage brokers commencing on 20 August 2024. Replaced: ASIC Corporations and Credit (Reference Checking and Information Sharing Protocol) Instrument 2021/429 (2021 Protocol) |
ASIC extends reference checking protocol to mortgage aggregators (news item) | INFO,LI | FS,CREDIT |
13/8/2024 | Â |
INFO 251 AFS licensing requirement for trustees of unregistered managed investment schemes (updated) |
Minor technical update to note proceedings in ASIC v BPS Financial Pty Ltd. |
 | INFO | MIS |
13/8/2024 | Â |
INFO 157 Foreign financial services providers: Licensing relief (updated) |
Minor technical amendment to extend the transitional period expiry date from 31 March 2025 to 31 March 2026. |
 | INFO | FS |
9/8/2024 | Â |
Amends ASIC Corporations (Replacement Bidder’s and Target’s Statements) Instrument 2023/688 to clarify that a bidder must make offers for the securities under a takeover bid through the relevant financial market, on the next day after the date referred to in item 13.  |
7/8/2024 | Â |
Outlines the findings from our review of simplified liquidations for the period 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2023. It also provides ASIC’s observations on simplified liquidation data. |
24-175MR ASIC reports low take up of simplified liquidations since 2021 reforms | REP | COMP,INSOLV | |
7/8/2024 | Â |
CS 10 Proposed extension of breach reporting and record-keeping legislative instruments |
Proposal to extend the operation of three legislative instruments related to breach reporting and record-keeping for a further five years:
Submissions close 4 September 2024. |
ASIC proposes to extend the operation of three legislative instruments (news item) ASIC extends reportable situations relief and personal advice record keeping requirements (news item) |
5/8/2024 | Â |
ASIC and SSC Viet Nam Memorandum of Understanding |
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ASIC and the Office of the State Securities Commission (SSC) Viet Nam for information sharing arrangements. |
Australian Securities and Investment Commission signs MoU with State Securities Commission Viet Nam (news item) | OTH | DEAL |
1/8/2024 | Â |
Update to Document C - Capability Report template making it more prescriptive on the type of information that an applicant to be a registered company auditor is required to provide. This reduces ambiguity in the information that is provided as well as assisting Licensing in making a more informed and timely assessment. |
 | RG | AUDIT | |
31/7/2024 | Â |
Amended: |
 | LI | FM | |
31/7/2024 | Â |
Extends for a further 12 months the transitional relief for foreign financial services providers (FFSPs) from the requirement to hold an Australian financial services (AFS) licence when providing financial services to Australian wholesale clients. Amended: |
ASIC further extends transitional relief for foreign financial services providers (news item) |
LI | FS,MIS | |
30/7/2024 | Â |
Sets out our proposals to make the ASIC CS Services Rules 2024 to facilitate competitive outcomes in the monopoly provision of clearing and settlement services under s828A of the Corporations Act 2001. Submissions close 10 September 2024. |
ASIC consults on rules to promote competitive outcomes in cash equity clearing and settlement services (news item) |
CP | FM | |
30/7/2024 | Â |
Seeks feedback on our proposal to extend the relief currently provided by ASIC Corporations (Employee redundancy funds relief) Instrument 2015/1150 for a period of five years. Submissions close 23 August 2024. |
ASIC proposes to extend relief for employee redundancy funds (news item) |
CP | MIS | |
30/7/2024 | Â |
REP 788 Credit card lending in Australia: Staying in control |
Provides information on how Australians use credit cards and on the consumer harm that can result from problematic design, distribution or use of credit cards. It is based on a review of credit card lending in Australia completed by ASIC. |
ASIC report finds credit card debt still a pain for many Australians (news item) |
24/7/2024 | Â |
REP 786 Equity market cleanliness snapshot report REP 787 Review of Australian equity market cleanliness: 1 November 2018 to 30 April 2024 |
Sets out the findings of our review of Australian equity market cleanliness, with data from 2006 and a deep dive from November 2018 to April 2024. REP 786 summarises and provides a broader context for the findings in REP 787. |
24-162 MR Australians can be confident in the integrity of our equity markets: ASIC report Market Cleanliness Report infographic (PDF 146 KB) |
REP | FM |
22/7/2024 | Â |
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ASIC and the Compensation Scheme of Last Resort (CSLR) for coordination, cooperation, and information sharing. |
19/7/2024 | Â |
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ASIC and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) for the sharing of data and privacy breach information. |
ASIC and OAIC sign information sharing MoU to accelerate data and privacy breach responses (news item) | OTH | DEAL | |
17/7/2024 | Â |
Minor technical update to note proceedings in ASIC v Noumi Ltd. |
 | INFO | DEAL | |
15/7/2024 | Â |
Provides findings into ASIC’s Better banking for Indigenous consumers project addressing fee harm experienced by low-income customers, including First Nations customers. |
24-153MR Big banks to refund millions in fees to low-income customers following ASIC report |
REP | FS,FC | |
15/7/2024 | Â |
INFO 276 FAQs: Registration for relevant providers  (updated) INFO 281 FAQs: Relevant providers – Accessing the experienced provider pathway (updated) |
Minor updates including link to Quick reference guide: Applying the financial adviser professional standards. |
 | INFO | FS |
11/7/2024 | Â |
RG 279 Financial Accountability Regime: Information for accountable entities (reissued) |
Information paper published jointly with the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) to support the financial services industry in implementing the Financial Accountability Regime (FAR). Updated to include new information to help insurers and superannuation trustees prepare for the commencement of the FAR. For ASIC purposes this APRA information paper is Regulatory Guide 279 (RG 279). |
24-152MR ASIC and APRA issue final rules and information for the Financial Accountability Regime Financial Accountability Regime Regulator Rules Amendment Instrument No. 1 of 2024 Joint letter to insurance and superannuation entities on key functions consultation (July 2024) (PDF 193 KB) |
11/7/2024 | Â |
ASIC Corporations (Amendment) Instrument 2024/554 INFO 256 FAQs: Ongoing fee arrangements (updated) INFO 280 FAQs: Non-ongoing fee consents (updated) |
Makes consequential amendments to the following ASIC legislative instruments to reflect changes to Financial Services Guide (FSG) requirements introduced by the Treasury Laws Amendments (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes and Other Measures) Act 2024 (DBFO Act): |
ASIC acknowledges royal assent of the DBFO Act (news item) Pro Forma 209 Australian financial services licence conditions (PF 209) |
9/7/2024 | Â |
Provides guidance for preparers of financial reports to ensure that consolidated entity disclosure statements (CEDS) comply with the requirements of the Corporations Act and are consistent with the policy intent of the legislation. |
 | INFO | COMP,FR | |
8/7/2024 | Â |
Provides information on how ASIC implements the industry funding model and recovers:
ASIC releases estimated industry funding levies for 2023-24 (news item) | OTH | FS,COMP,CREDIT,SUPER,MIS,DEAL | |
8/7/2024 | Â |
CS 8 Proposed expiry date for primary production scheme legislative instrument |
ASIC is proposing that ASIC Corporations (Land Holding for Primary Production Schemes) Instrument 2024/15 be allowed to expire ('sunset') on 1 October 2024. Submissions close 9 August 2024. |
ASIC proposes October expiry date for managed investment scheme legislative instrument (news item) ASIC to allow instrument for primary production managed investment schemes to expire (news item) |
CP | MIS |
5/7/2024 | Â |
CS 7 Proposed update to superannuation forecasts relief instrument |
Proposes update to the rate of nominal wage inflation in ASIC (Superannuation Calculators and Retirement Estimates) Instrument 2022/603, and Regulatory Guide 276 Superannuation forecasts: Calculators and retirement estimates (RG 276) in view of Treasury’s revised long-term wage growth forecasts. Submissions close 2 August 2024. |
ASIC proposes update to superannuation forecasts relief instrument (news item) ASIC updates superannuation forecasts relief instrument (news item) |
2/7/2024 | Â |
REP 784 Industry update: Pulse check on retirement income covenant implementation |
Industry update which summarises the responses to a voluntary survey issued by ASIC and APRA in November 2023. |
24-143MR Super trustees urged to strengthen oversight of retirement strategy implementation | REP | FS,SUPER |
1/7/2024 | Â |
INFO 30 Fees for commonly lodged documents (reissued) |
Updated to account for indexation of fees and charges for FY 2024-25. |
27/6/2024 | Â |
ASIC Corporations (Approval of February 2025 Banking Code of Practice) Instrument 2024/523 |
The purpose of the New Revocation Instrument is to revoke approval of the March 2020 Code and revoke the March 2020 Approval Instrument, such that the March 2020 Code as varied is no longer approved by ASIC. The purpose of the New Approval Instrument is to provide ASIC’s approval of the February 2025 Code as given to ASIC by the ABA on 24 June 2024. |
24-136MR ASIC approves enhanced Banking Code of Practice | LI | FS |
26/6/2024 | Â |
Amends Class Order [CO 14/1262] to extend date to 31 March 2025. |
 | LI | FS | |
26/6/2024 | Â |
INFO 283 Supervising your representatives’ business communications (new) |
Provides practical guidance to market intermediaries (investment banks, participants of exchange and over-the-counter markets, securities dealers and corporate advisers) about managing these risks, embedding supervisory arrangements for business communications and reviewing their effectiveness in compliance with their obligations under the Corporations Act and ASIC market integrity rules. |
24-134MR ASIC calls on market intermediaries to strengthen supervision of business communications | INFO | FS,FM |
26/6/2024 | Â |
INFO 276 FAQs: Registration for relevant providers (updated) |
Removed references to the $50 registration application fee. |
 | INFO | FS |
26/6/2024 | Â |
INFO 268 FAQs: Relevant providers who provide tax (financial) advice services (reissued) |
Incorporate amendments to the QTRP transitional provisions following the registration of the Corporations (Relevant Providers—Education and Training Standards) Amendment (2024 Measures No. 2) Determination 2024. |
 | INFO | FS |
13/6/2024 | Â |
ASIC Corporations (Card Facility Transfer) Instrument 2024/486 |
Latitude Finance does not have to comply with Part 7.8A of Corporations Act 2001 in relation to offering or entering into a New Card (Pre DDO). |
 | NI | CREDIT |
11/6/2024 | Â |
ASIC Superannuation (Notice of disqualification—John Giannicos) Instrument 2024/471 |
SMSF auditor disqualification notice under section 130F(2) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
11/6/2024 | Â |
ASIC Superannuation (Notice of disqualification—Kylie Ai Wui Wee) Instrument 2024/470 |
SMSF auditor disqualification notice under section 130F(2) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
7/6/2024 | Â |
ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Determination 2024/459 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Repeal Instrument 2024/460 |
Maintains ASIC's policy of determining the allocation of Equity Market Products to tiers. Replaces ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Determination 2024/154 (repealed 5 July 2024). |
 | DET,LI | FM |
22/5/2024 |  | INFO 281 FAQs: Relevant providers – Accessing the experienced provider pathway (new) |
Provides new guidance to financial advisers and AFS licensees about the experienced provider pathway following changes to the law made by the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Measures No. 3) Act 2023. |
ASIC releases guidance on the experienced provider pathway for financial advisers (news item) | INFO | FS |
22/5/2024 | Â | INFO 277 Registration of relevant providers: Guidance on making declarations (updated) |
Minor and consequential updates following changes to the law made by the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Measures No. 3) Act 2023 and for consistency INFO 281 FAQs: Relevant providers – Accessing the experienced provider pathway. |
ASIC releases guidance on the experienced provider pathway for financial advisers (news item) | INFO | FS |
21/5/2024 | Â | INFO 112 Guidance for financial counsellors (updated) |
Minor update to update legislative instrument references |
20/5/2024 | Â | REP 783 Hardship, hard to get help: Lenders fall short in financial hardship support |
In late 2023, ASIC reviewed 10 large home lenders to understand how they are supporting customers experiencing financial hardship. This report outlines the key findings from that review. |
24-104MR ASIC report: Australians need better hardship support from their lenders | REP | FS,CREDIT |
20/5/2024 | Â | REP 782 Hardship, hard to get help: Findings and actions to support customers in financial hardship |
This report is for all lenders that provide credit regulated under the National Credit Code, particularly for staff within compliance and hardship functions. |
24-104MR ASIC report: Australians need better hardship support from their lenders | REP | FS,CREDIT |
17/5/2024 | Â |
ASIC Superannuation (Notice of disqualification—Mark John Gynther) Instrument 2024/384 |
SMSF auditor disqualification notice under section 130F(2) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
16/5/2024 | Â |
RG 172 Financial markets: Domestic and overseas operators (updated) RG 265 Guidance on ASIC market integrity rules for participants of securities markets (updated) RG 266 Guidance on ASIC market integrity rules for participants of futures markets (updated) |
Updated to correct minor drafting errors about the identification of critical business systems, and to clarify what we mean by ‘immediately’ when notifying ASIC of a major event. |
 | RG | FM |
15/5/2024 | Â |
INFO 282 Unsolicited contact leading to financial advice (new) |
Outlines how financial services laws apply to unlicenced entities referring consumers to a third party for the provision of financial advice. It is also relevant to Australian financial services (AFS) licensees and financial advisers that receive consumer details obtained through unsolicited contact. |
ASIC issues information for unlicensed entities making unsolicited contact with consumers (news item) | INFO | FS,SUPER |
14/5/2024 | Â |
ASIC Corporations (Amendment and Repeal) Instrument 2024/229 |
Amended: |
9/5/2024 | Â |
ASIC Superannuation (Notice of disqualification—Kristian Convery) Instrument 2024/370 |
SMSF auditor disqualification notice under section 130F(2) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
9/5/2024 | Â |
ASIC Superannuation (Notice of disqualification—Lin Chou) Instrument 2024/357 |
SMSF auditor disqualification notice under section 130F(2) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
9/5/2024 | Â |
REP 781 Review of superannuation trustee practices: Protecting members from harmful advice charges |
This report provides insights into the extent to which superannuation trustees are acting to protect members’ superannuation balances from erosion by inappropriate advice charges. It summarises the findings of ASIC’s review of trustee progress in this area following earlier guidance from ASIC and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). |
24-094MR ASIC calls on super trustees to improve gatekeeping of member savings | REP | FS,SUPER |
8/5/2024 | Â |
Updated RG 204.305–RG 204.309 to reflect the process for submitting core proof documents via the ASIC MOVEit portal. |
 | RG | FS,DEAL | |
7/5/2024 | Â |
RG 78 Breach reporting by AFS licensees and credit licensees (updated) |
Updated to mention Ch7 of the Corporations Act in RGÂ 78.148(b) and an amended link to the ASIC Regulatory Portal in RGÂ 78.155 |
6/5/2024 | Â |
ASIC is proposing to update RG 236 Do I need an AFS licence to participate in carbon markets? to address the safeguard mechanism reforms. The draft update to RG 236 is attached to this paper. Submissions close 3 June 2024. |
ASIC consults on updated guidance for carbon market participants (news item) | CP | FS | |
6/5/2024 | Â |
ASIC and FRC Memorandum of Understanding on Reciprocal Arrangements |
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ASIC and the UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC) for the recognition of audit qualifications. |
ASIC and UK Financial Reporting Council sign agreement to recognise audit qualifications (news item) | OTH | DEAL,AUDIT |
1/5/2024 | Â |
ASIC Corporations (L’Oréal SA Employee Share Scheme Disclosure) Instrument 2024/296 |
Modifies Division 1A of Part 7.12 of the Corporations Act to apply in relation to L’Oréal SA.  |
 | NI | FM |
30/4/2024 | Â |
Administrative Appeals Tribunal decision notice under subsection 130F(7) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
24/4/2024 | Â |
ASIC Corporations (IPH Limited Employee Share Scheme Disclosure) Instrument 2024/293 |
Modifies Division 1A of Part 7.12 of the Corporations Act to apply in relation to IPH. |
 | NI | FM |
24/4/2024 | Â |
ASIC Superannuation (Notice of disqualification—Tak Bo Cheng) Instrument 2024/285 |
SMSF auditor disqualification notice under section 130F(2) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
19/4/2024 | Â |
INFO 207 Disputes about commercial loans (updated) |
Minor updates to clarify the role of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), including AFCA’s ability to resolve complaints from small businesses about commercial lending. |
15/4/2024 | Â |
INFO 204 Recovery of investigation expenses and costs (updated) |
Amendments to reflect the position that ASIC’s policies regarding investigation costs recovery, which were introduced in 2015, are no longer new, and to clarify expectations around the timing of notification of a possible investigation costs order. |
 | INFO | DEAL |
11/4/2024 | Â |
CP 377 Guidance for reporting by external administrators and controllers: Updates to RG 16 |
Seeks feedback on proposals to update Regulatory Guide 16 External administrators and controllers: Reporting of possible offences and misconduct (RG 16). The draft update to RG 16 is attached to this paper. Submissions close 6 June 2024. |
24-072MR ASIC consults on misconduct reporting guidance for external administrators and controllers | CP | INSOLV |
8/4/2024 | Â |
ASIC Superannuation (Notice of disqualification—John William Hamilton) Instrument 2024/252 |
SMSF auditor disqualification notice under section 130F(2) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
28/3/2024 | Â |
RG 38 The hawking prohibition (updated) RG 169 Hawking and disclosure: Discretionary powers (updated) RG 263 Financial Services and Credit Panel (reissued) |
Minor updates including updates to reflect names of sunset class orders to their new legislative instrument titles. |
 | RG | FS |
27/3/2024 | Â |
Extends the relief of ASIC Corporations (Parent Entity Financial Statements) Instrument 2021/195 and ASIC Corporations (Auditor Independence) Instrument 2021/75 for an additional five years. |
ASIC proposes to extend parent entity financial reporting and auditor independence legislative instruments (news item) ASIC extends and amends parent entity financial statement and auditor independence instruments (news item) |
27/3/2024 | Â |
ASIC Corporations (Periodic Statement Relief for Quoted Securities) Instrument 2024/14 ASIC Corporations (Land Holding for Primary Production Schemes) Instrument 2024/15 ASIC Corporations (Asset Holding Standards for Responsible Entities) Instrument 2024/16 |
Five remade class orders for managed funds that were due to expire (‘sunset’) on 1 April 2024:
ASIC proposes to remake managed investment scheme legislative instruments (news item) ASIC remakes five ‘sunsetting’ class orders for managed funds (news item) |
LI | MIS |
27/3/2024 | Â |
RG 6 Takeovers: Exceptions to the general prohibition (reissued) RG 55 Statements in disclosure documents and PDSs: Consent to quote (updated) RG 60 Schemes of arrangement (updated) |
Minor updates to account for recently remade class orders. |
27/3/2024 | Â |
RG 5 Relevant interests and substantial holding notices (reissued) |
Updated to reflect Schedule 5 of the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Law Improvement Package No. 1) Act 2023 (Treasury Laws Amendment Act) which commenced and moved into the Corporations Act relief previously contained in ASIC Class Order [CO 13/520] Relevant interests, voting power and exceptions to the general prohibition. |
27/3/2024 | Â |
RG 10 Compulsory acquisitions and buyouts (reissued) |
Contains new guidance on ASIC Corporations (Compulsory Acquisitions and Buyouts) Instrument 2023/684, explaining that securities acquired on-market by the bidder in reliance on the exemption provided in item 2 of section 611 are included for the purposes of the 75% acquisition test in subparagraph 661A(1)(b)(ii) of the Corporations Act. |
27/3/2024 | Â |
RG 9 Takeover bids (reissued) |
Contains new guidance on ASIC Corporations (Takeover Bids) Instrument 2023/683 and ASIC Corporations (Replacement Bidder’s and Target’s Statements) Instrument 2023/688, in relation to:Â
23/3/2024 | Â |
This instrument amends ASIC Corporations (Design and Distribution Obligations Interim Measures) Instrument 2021/784 to ensure the Principal Instrument operates as intended in providing an exemption for certain non-cash payment facilities from the design and distribution obligations. |
 | LI | FS | |
22/3/2024 | Â |
INFO 159 Frozen funds and hardship withdrawals (reissued) INFO 249 Frozen funds – Information for responsible entities (reissued) INFO 266 FAQs: Records of Advice (ROAs) (reissued) |
Technical amendments to omit COVID-19 pandemic related information and make other minor changes to ensure currency. |
 | INFO | FS |
15/3/2024 | Â |
ASIC Corporations (Relief to Facilitate Admission of Exchange Traded Funds) Instrument 2024/147 |
Replaces Class Order [CO 13/721] Relief to facilitate quotation of exchange traded funds on the AQUA Market which was due to sunset. |
ASIC issues new legislative instrument for exchange traded funds (news item) |
LI | FM |
14/3/2024 | Â |
RG 279 Financial Accountability Regime: Information for accountable entities (new) |
Information paper published jointly with the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) to support the financial services industry in implementing the Financial Accountability Regime (FAR). For ASIC purposes this APRA information paper is Regulatory Guide 279 (RG 279). |
RG | FS | |
8/3/2024 | Â |
Financial Accountability Regime Act (Information for register) Regulator Rules 2024 Financial Accountability Regime (Consequential Amendments) Transitional Rules 2024 |
Final rules and further guidance to support the financial services industry in implementing the Financial Accountability Regime (FAR). |
RL | FS | |
8/3/2024 | Â |
Seeks feedback on proposed changes to the existing Regulatory Guide 258 Registered Liquidators: Registration, disciplinary action and insurance requirements (RG 258), issued on 1 March 2017. We have also updated the title of RG 258 to reflect the revised content. The draft update to RG 258 is attached to this paper. Submissions close 2 May 2024 |
ASIC consults on registered liquidator registration guidance (news item) |
7/3/2024 | Â |
INFO 174 Disputes with financial firms (updated) |
Minor updates to omit references to RG 139 Approval and oversight of external dispute resolution schemes, which has been withdrawn, and other minor changes to ensure currency |
6/3/2024 | Â |
ASIC Letter to general insurers regarding insurance claims and severe weather events 6 March 2024 (PDF) |
Letter reminding general insurers of their obligations as AFS licensees when handling insurance claims, especially in response to severe weather events. |
ASIC letter calls on insurers to improve claims handling practices (news item) |
OTH | FS |
5/3/2024 | Â |
ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Determination 2024/154 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Repeal Instrument 2024/155 |
Maintains ASIC's policy of determining the allocation of Equity Market Products to tiers. Replaces ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Determination 2023/903 (repealed 9 April 2024). |
 | DET,LI | FM |
4/3/2024 | Â |
REP 780 ASIC enforcement and regulatory update: October to December 2023 |
Provides an overview of ASIC’s work and key matters between 1 October and 31 December 2023. |
Summary of enforcement outcomes: July to December 2023 Regulatory developments timetable  |
1/3/2024 | Â |
ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Futures Markets) Class Waiver Amendment Instrument 2024/131 |
Extends the operation of ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Futures Markets) Class Waiver 2018/313 to 22 March 2027. |
 | LI,RW | FM |
29/2/2024 | Â |
ASIC Corporations (AFCA Regulatory Requirement) Instrument 2024/60 |
Requires the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) operator to ensure it complies with section 9A of the AFCA Scheme Authorisation 2018 by amending the scheme rules, without consultation, to include provisions consistent with section 9A of the AFCA Authorisation. |
 | LI | FS |
21/2/2024 | Â |
REP 779 Superannuation choice products: What focus is there on performance? |
Examines the role of superannuation trustees, financial advisers and Australian financial services licensees in influencing the investment options that make up member superannuation portfolios as part of a choice superannuation product. ASIC’s review considered the focus on performance, as investment in persistently underperforming choice products adversely impacts member retirement outcomes. |
24-026MR ASIC calls on industry to address Choice super performance issues and improve oversight | REP | SUPER |
19/2/2024 | Â |
RG 148 Platforms that are managed investment schemes and nominee and custody services (reissued) |
Updated to account for recently remade legislative instruments and to clarify when investors must be given information electronically. |
 | RG | MIS |
15/2/2024 | Â |
CP 375 Proposed changes to the ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting): Third consultation |
Proposes further amendments to the ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2024 in relation to outstanding matters from our prior consultations released in November 2020 and May 2022, and minor and related proposed changes to the ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Clearing) 2015. Submissions close 28 March 2024. |
ASIC consults on changes to OTC derivative transaction rules (news item) |
CP | FM |
12/2/2024 | Â |
ASIC Superannuation (Notice of disqualification—Md Nazrul Islam) Instrument 2024/87 |
SMSF auditor disqualification notice under section 130F(2) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. |
6/2/2024 | Â |
Class no-action letter for sophisticated investors under the UCT regime (PDF) |
Grants limited no-action relief for sophisticated investors from the Unfair Contract Terms (UCT) regime. |
ASIC grants class no-action position regarding Unfair Contract Terms for institutional markets (news item) |
5/2/2024 | Â |
APRA-ASIC Letter on FAR commencement and implementation (PDF) |
Joint APRA–ASIC letter to all authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) and their authorised non-operating holding companies (NOHCs) about their Financial Accountability Regime (FAR) obligations. |
ASIC and APRA issue joint letter on Financial Accountability Regime commencement and implementation (news item) |
OTH | FS |
1/2/2024 | Â |
Letter to CEOs – ASIC’s guidance for market intermediaries on pre-hedging (PDF) |
Letter to market intermediary CEOs setting out ASIC's guidance regarding pre-hedging practices in Australia. |
ASIC’s guidance for market intermediaries on pre-hedging (news item) |
OTH | FM |
31/1/2024 | Â |
ASIC’s Financial Services Industry Workshop - 30 November 2023 | Summary Document |
Summary document on Understanding and Responding to Identification Challenges for First Nations Consumers under ASIC's Indigenous Financial Services Framework |
ASIC releases summary document for Indigenous Financial Services Framework Workshop (news item) |
OTH | FS |
23/1/2024 | Â |
Extends the due date for registration of financial advisers who provide personal advice to retail clients on relevant products (known as relevant providers) by two weeks until 16 February 2024. |
LI | FS | ||
23/1/2024 | Â |
Repeals ASIC Credit (Electronic Precontractual Disclosure) Instrument 2020/835 from 1 April 2024 in line with the commencement of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Precontractual Disclosure and Other Measures) Regulations 2023. |
 | LI | CREDIT | |
19/1/2024 | Â |
CS 6 Remaking managed investment scheme legislative instruments |
Seeks feedback on ASIC's proposal to remake the following class orders relating to managed investment schemes that are scheduled to sunset on 1 April 2024:
Submissions close 16 February 2024. |
ASIC proposes to remake managed investment scheme legislative instruments (news item) |
CP | MIS |
5/1/2024 | Â |
ASIC Corporations (Product Intervention Order Extension—Short Term Credit) Instrument 2023/956 |
Extension of ASIC's product intervention orders in relation to short term credit and continuing credit contracts so that the orders remain in force until they are revoked or they sunset on 1 October 2032. |
4/1/2024 | Â |
INFO 157 Foreign financial services providers: Licensing relief (reissued - title changed) |
Information about transitional arrangements for foreign financial service providers (FFSPs) updated to explain that an FFSP that relied on the previous class order relief as at 31 March 2020 will generally be able to continue to do so until 31 March 2025, noting the Australian Government’s proposed legislative regime for FFSPs, which is planned to commence on 1 April 2025. |
 | INFO | FS |
4/1/2024 | Â |
Makes minor and technical amendments to the following financial reporting relief instruments: |
 | LI | FR,COMP |