RG 192 Licensing: Wholesale equity schemes

Issued 27 November 2024 

This is a guide for trustees and managers of wholesale equity schemes and their advisers. It is particularly relevant to venture capital and private equity schemes.

This guide explains the licensing relief we have given in ASIC Corporations (Wholesale Equity Scheme Trustees) Instrument 2017/849. The relief is for trustees of wholesale equity schemes that are operated by a manager holding an Australian financial services licence under Ch 7 of the Corporations Act 2001. This guide also explains financial requirements that may apply to these managers under ASIC Corporations (Financial Requirements for Responsible Entities, IDPS Operators and Corporate Directors of Retail CCIVs) Instrument 2023/647.

Download RG 192 (PDF 354 KB)

Last updated: 08/08/2008 12:00